Refund Policy
We understand that mistakes on orders can be made and change of mind occurs. As well as defects in products.
Our refund/return policy is as follows.
All preorder items are subject to variation on collection due to availability. Any issues that arise we will contact you and give you a reasonable amount of time to retract order without occurring a restocking fee.
All change of mind issues have a restocking fee of
Below $500 RRP the cost of shipping and associated fees
$100 for items over $500 RRP
$50 for items over $250 RRP but less than $500
$25 for items over $100 RRP but less than $250
$15 for items less than $100 RRP.
All warranty returns have no fee but have to be sent and returned at buyers expense. We will endeaour to get the best price on courier. We will also work hard to ensure you get the best warranty outcome available.
Any questions feel free to call prior to purchase.